Aviation Flight Center GmbH is a company of the Aviation Academy Austria Group.
Due to the professional know-how of ATPL integrated pilot training, which we have been conducting for the Aviation Academy Austria for many years, we are also able to offer you other flight training courses such as PPL, Instrument Rating, Multi Engine Rating, Advanced UPRT and much more in the highest quality. Furthermore you can extend or renew all ratings with us.
No matter if you want to learn to fly or if you already have a flight license and want to continue your training - in our flight school a well trained team will take care of you. At our location at the airfield LOAN in Wr. Neustadt we offer you beside training also the possibility to charter aircraft.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the airfield Wr. Neustadt!
PPL Infoevent am 05.04.2025 um 10:00 Uhr in Wiener Neustadt
Sie möchten Fliegen lernen und Ihre Faszination leben?
Sie möchten Fliegen lernen und Ihre Faszination leben? Aviation Flight Center lädt zum großen OPEN DAY am 8. Juni 2024
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Our partners
Our partners at the airfield Wr. Neustadt LOAN